Monday, February 11, 2013

All You Need To Know.

 Hello there, Welcome to my new blog.

I would like to start by saying that I happen to be extremely opinionated.  I am open for constructive criticism. Due to the levels controversy in this blog, this blog is for intelligent opinionated people to debate only.  In addition to the previous statement, there are some rules for this blog.  Why are there rules you might ask?  Because the internet is full of stupidity.  I'm around it enough in the real world and refuse to be around it in the cyber world. If the rules are broken, you will be dealt with accordingly. I also take topic suggestions so please, if you have a topic you want to discuss, please comment it and I will over it as soon as I can.  I will also poll topics.

Rules of this blog.
1. No profanity.
2. No mean spirited comments.
3. No crass, rude, or ignorant statements and/or behavior.
4. Do not harass anyone.  
5. Please use proper grammar. ( Not a rule,  just a preference.)

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